The Portrait Cut portrays a large and open, and thinly cut table (top surface of the gem), producing a captivating window-like effect, that invites the admirer to gaze into the gem. This cut allows for very unique and fancy-shaped gems to be faceted, such as octagonal and triangular shapes. In bespoke jewellery the versatility of this cut allows the designer to create very bold and avant-garde designs.
Special qualities of our portrait-cut gemstones
It’s really special to have portrait-cut gems with such intense and even colours, even more so given they have had no heat treatment. They have beautifully formed natural crystals lending the windows a clean look with no visible inclusions.

The honey-lemon Imperial Topaz are rare and sought after, versus the more available blues. The colour is intense and even despite not having any heat treatment.
It’s very rare to find a fan-shaped Portrait cut Aquamarine with such an intense crystalline blue hue and clean window with no visible inclusions. Even more so given it’s not had any heat treatment.

Bespoke Pieces made with Portrait-cut Gems

A beautifully geometric and bold piece, with a rare hexagonal Portrait-cut Aquamarine with lovely colour and clarity. The table of the gem is like a window you can peer through to see the kite-shaped Diamond beneath, lending the piece its ‘compass’ theme.

The Portrait window allows the wearer to peer through and admire the cherry blossom themed array of Diamonds and branch in gold.